I'm still downloading music at this time, wonder when will it be complete...
Well, even my eys soars now but I can force myself for awhile since my eyes are a little bit speacial... Hehehe...
Ok, last night I went to Sunset Mass with my good friend, George. Funny thing is, I saw a young lady, probaly my age, or younger, who looks like a friend of mine where she nearly make me faint in her car, hahaha... Really can't forget that day... Dress and style are the same, but this lady seemed a little bit taller... Haha.. After that, I followed him around to buy stuffs in the mall, to buy T-shirts, haha...
After that, I agreed to stay late-night with him hanging in town and drinking at the park for we haven't seen each other for a long time...
He bought 'Thai Girl' I think, and I had vodka, which it doesn't suit my tongue =.='' The taste swiftly reminds me of when I was my uncle's 'Best Man' during his wedding day...
Thanks to George, I could try to forget that old women who gave me that drink =.='' hehehe...
Well, liquor never taste good, but still it's a good drink when you're hanging out with a good friend and spend the whole night talking, haha...
I know this friend of mine for more than a year, but I know, he's a person worth to trust... Unlike some of the people I known today, some of them really just don't seems to be good to their friend, I dunno... Only God does...
A friend is like our mortal angel, so we should be happy and thankful, cause true friend does not come that easy, so I cheerished each one of them, and never think of they are weak, have weakness or bad or using them for my purpose just to achieve my goal...
There are some people whom I do trust, but I ain't gonna type their names, hahaha...
Well, kinda short for today... I have to go for now, adios!!^^
All of my thoughts are sealed, but my experience certain thoughts are written here for me to remember and share...
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Water is malleable and adaptable. You are very much like that. You adapt when you have to, but you much prefer to make changes on your own terms.
Like water, you are soothing and nourishing too. Life-supporting energies are at the heart of your character. You will act as a support for many people — in your own family and beyond.
Oscar-winning actress Kathy Bates is a dedicated patron, funding a Beverly Hills hospital for women recovering from cancer. Guess what her star sign is? You got it — Cancer!
You are for the most part a person of feeling and sensation. Often you will ignore your own judgment and rationality, and someone’s else’s reasonable advice, in favour of how you feel. You don’t care if you’re wrong, either! If your intuition tells you to do something, like reaching out to give someone a helping hand, you’ll just do it.
Others turn to you when they need a shoulder to cry on — you’ll do well in any of the caring professions. This approach is highlighted by your key life phrase, ‘I nurture’. You find it difficult to turn away anyone in need. Anyone who knows you will agree that you are one of the best people to connect with if they need advice. Friends will turn to you if they are in trouble, knowing that your sensitive and compassionate touch will lighten their load.
You are extremely receptive to your environment and the people around you, and will often ‘pick up’ people’s energies, moods and thoughts. This ability serves you well; your intuition about people is quite often correct. Your knack of knowing people’s issues before they even open their mouths attracts them to you. The difficulty with this, though, is that you can tend to absorb their emotions — negative as well as positive.
You reflect the qualities of the changing Moon. This means that at times your emotions get the better of you, and you swing from high to low. Family and friends will be well aware of this, but they will not doubt your loyalty and supportiveness.
Another aspect of the Moon that sometimes doesn’t work well for you is its maternal nature. You sometimes veer too close to the mothering/smothering lane, which can put people off.
Back on the plus side, you love to mix with all sorts of people. Social activities are an essential ingredient in your development. You are a great success socially, because you can convey your wisdom to others so well — Cancerians have very expressive faces.
Creative enterprises are a great way to make the most of your moods and your imagination. Music and writing are perfect vehicles for you. You can express the inner part of your being as entertaining literary, art or music pieces.
Cooking is also a great outlet for you. Even if you cook as a hobby rather than as a job, you will find that it balances your state of mind over time.
Sometimes you can get locked into your own private lifestyle, and only come out at full Moon. Being a recluse is not for you, though — share your talents and love with the world. Some of this is down to your love of the night.
Because the Moon’s domain is the night, many Cancerians are night owls. From twilight on, your creativity starts to flow and you feel at home — you have a strong affinity with lunar energies. This is a good time to get into writing, meditating, or just walking in the moonlight. All these will energise you. You love the stillness and mystery of the night.
You are a consummate homemaker. Even men born under this sign express the ‘feminine’ aspect of their character in their love of the kitchen, and activities that make them feel secure in their domestic space.
You love to collect or keep mementos — such as scrapbooks and other bits and pieces — that bring back memories of good times and people you care about. You have a great memory, not just for facts, but also any good turn or kindness you’ve received.
You can always talk about any subject with anyone. That retentive memory is a help here, as is your impartial, even-handed approach to people generally. Dealing with people comes naturally to you: add this to your shrewdness and intuition, and you are likely to be a good businessperson. You can also use these skills in managing your day-to-day life.
If you are a Cancer born between 22nd June and 3rd July you are under the double influence of Moon. You are emotional, loving and destined in marriage and love life. However, try to curb your changeable emotions. Don't let sentimentality rule you.
Were you born between 4th and 13th July? Well, Cancer, I see you have a very deep and penetrating mind and can sometimes be overly intense in relationships. Your loyalty is unconditional and you make the staunchest of friends.
As a Cancer born between 14th and 22nd July you are prone to a dreamy and idealistic attitude in life. You like the idea of being compassionate and forgiving to everyone and serve the needs of friends and family well. That’s fine but don’t forget that you have needs as well
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
No.1 (3.35am 10/MARCH/2010)
''Walk, I will... Evil, will I never be a part of it...
Fight, all the way... Live, for the people whom I care...
The cross, eternally I will carry, even if people say death to me...'' - R.F.G.Jr.
Haah~... Officially for the 1st, I'm writing here peacefully in my head although my friends play cards outside... (hahaha)
Writing here sometimes make my head empty, unsure what to write down, but once I'm away from this computer, many thought suddenly burst in to my head... *sigh*
Probaly this is me, only will be able to see or do things after an event... damn...
Well, be it my happy stories, sad ones, sin, I'll write it down here, maybe it's time for me to understand who I am, for not for only to those whom I know, they say to me :''I really can't understand you'' or, ''Your a complicated guy'', or ''Why won't you let other people to understand you?''
Oh please, I'm not like the likes of you, trying to tell people what type of person who you WANT TO BE, not WHO YOU ARE... Typical hyprocrites, you say you're like this but you're actually like that... But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this to everyone, but just to those who might, well, you know what I mean^^...
Well, sometimes I don't understand, myself actually, being too soft sometimes when I know when people are trying to be cruel to me. They used me for they're own purpose and then the next thing you know is, 'R.I.P. Roland Jr, we will never forget you'... What's this??? Medal of honor ?? *Well* But anyway, it's hard for me to say no when anyone ask help from me when I can't, probaly that's why I always being the target, target of being useful to other people... *sigh*
What I search in other people is 'trust' and 'character' in everyone... and I treat people on how they treat me, give me crap and I give you shit, give me happiness and I'll try to bring you joy if I can... But I have to say, being nice all the time really makes me tired after what other people (certain people) have done to me... But I absolutely hate traitors, they are good for nothing...
I kinda have traveled into people's head, understand a few things on how every people think, do and some stuffs that can be relate with, and it's something interest me when I try to understand people's feeling and how it goes to the head... For me, starting with the eyes can tell me a thing or two about that person... But hey, I meant no harm... and I've should have taken psychology for this... damn...
Looking to the big unknown yet cruel world makes me wanna go around, 'cause in a place like this, there is always a place for you to be... People tend to feel lost in this world, that I understand, but we have to remember, we're not alone actually. :)
Some people also might think that they're the center stage in this world, and some them would say, that 'this world will leave us'... I don't know if they really understand what they're saying but hey, it's not the world who's gonna leave you, it's you leaving the world... We are like ashes in here and will fade to dust... Remember that...
Well, due to my work, I wanna go back doing it, and will continue this again in another day, c'ya...
Fight, all the way... Live, for the people whom I care...
The cross, eternally I will carry, even if people say death to me...'' - R.F.G.Jr.
Haah~... Officially for the 1st, I'm writing here peacefully in my head although my friends play cards outside... (hahaha)
Writing here sometimes make my head empty, unsure what to write down, but once I'm away from this computer, many thought suddenly burst in to my head... *sigh*
Probaly this is me, only will be able to see or do things after an event... damn...
Well, be it my happy stories, sad ones, sin, I'll write it down here, maybe it's time for me to understand who I am, for not for only to those whom I know, they say to me :''I really can't understand you'' or, ''Your a complicated guy'', or ''Why won't you let other people to understand you?''
Oh please, I'm not like the likes of you, trying to tell people what type of person who you WANT TO BE, not WHO YOU ARE... Typical hyprocrites, you say you're like this but you're actually like that... But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this to everyone, but just to those who might, well, you know what I mean^^...
Well, sometimes I don't understand, myself actually, being too soft sometimes when I know when people are trying to be cruel to me. They used me for they're own purpose and then the next thing you know is, 'R.I.P. Roland Jr, we will never forget you'... What's this??? Medal of honor ?? *Well* But anyway, it's hard for me to say no when anyone ask help from me when I can't, probaly that's why I always being the target, target of being useful to other people... *sigh*
What I search in other people is 'trust' and 'character' in everyone... and I treat people on how they treat me, give me crap and I give you shit, give me happiness and I'll try to bring you joy if I can... But I have to say, being nice all the time really makes me tired after what other people (certain people) have done to me... But I absolutely hate traitors, they are good for nothing...
I kinda have traveled into people's head, understand a few things on how every people think, do and some stuffs that can be relate with, and it's something interest me when I try to understand people's feeling and how it goes to the head... For me, starting with the eyes can tell me a thing or two about that person... But hey, I meant no harm... and I've should have taken psychology for this... damn...
Looking to the big unknown yet cruel world makes me wanna go around, 'cause in a place like this, there is always a place for you to be... People tend to feel lost in this world, that I understand, but we have to remember, we're not alone actually. :)
Some people also might think that they're the center stage in this world, and some them would say, that 'this world will leave us'... I don't know if they really understand what they're saying but hey, it's not the world who's gonna leave you, it's you leaving the world... We are like ashes in here and will fade to dust... Remember that...
Well, due to my work, I wanna go back doing it, and will continue this again in another day, c'ya...
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